
Please consider making a donation to help sustain our organization, update our equipment and maintain the high standard of our meals. We do not receive government subsidies, so each and every donation is greatly appreciated and put to good use. Your charitable donations may be tax deductible; please check with your tax professional for details. Be assured, we will never share donor information with other organizations.

Donate Online

Donations made online using your credit card will appear on your statement as West Shore Meals on Wheels, our parent organization.

Donate by Mail

If you prefer to make a donation by mail, please make checks payable to Rocky River Lakewood Meals on Wheels.

Please make checks payable to:

Rocky River Lakewood Meals on Wheels

20300 Hilliard Blvd.

Rocky River,  OH  44116

Other Donation Options

Donations of nonperishable food and tray favors for our recipients are also gladly accepted. Please call (440) 333-6298 to make arrangements for in-kind donations.

When making online purchases, please consider using Amazon Smile and designating West Shore Meals on Wheels, our parent organization.

Thank you for your support!

Browns Backers support Rocky River Meals on Wheels